Reflective Writing — An Expression of Self


Independent Writing Practice

Cultivate your sense of purpose through the daily discipline of mantra and writing. This 14-day creative experience will awaken your curiosity and use your unique experiences to better understand yourself and the world around you.

Please note the time you are making this purchase, your email will land in your inbox 24 hours after you sign up.

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Reflective Writing — An Expression of Self Workshop is a 14-day workshop in which you will receive:

  • A short from me

  • Affirmation/mantra to meditate upon, including several recording to help guide you

  • Writing prompts 

Upon signing up, you will receive an introductory email and your first prompt will land in your inbox the following day. For the next two weeks you will receive a daily email, allowing you to create a sustainable ritual for the duration of this workshop and beyond. The email will land in your inbox 24 hours after you make your purchase, so remember to schedule your daily routine accordingly. This is your practice to be cultivated, find a quiet place, dust off your journal and surrender to the process. This is a fully independent workshop, an intimate discovery that requires courage and honesty.